*Germaphobia, known in medical circles as mysophobia (my·so·pho·bia) is an abnormal fear of dirt and germs and is associated with OCD

Does the mere mention of a “Potluck Dinner” give you anxiety? Well, for the true germaphobes out there, we would rather starve. Just the thought of having to break bread with a large group of people (many of whom you may not even know) and pretend to enjoy the company, much less the food is pure torture. We scan the room for the “dirty folk” and make it our mission to find out what they contributed to this shin-ding, we then stay as far away from their contributions as possible. We look for the familiar to-go containers and trays if we MUST consume something, and ignore the crusty pyrex dishes that we are certain have not been cleaned properly since they received them as a wedding present 15 years ago…The struggle is real.

Now, I am not the type that wears a surgical mask, latex gloves and washes their hands 50 times a day. However, I am the type that see’s a public bathroom as a place to test my flexibility. I seriously cannot remember the last time I actually touched anything in a community waste depository with my hands. Elbows and feet are my go-to methods for maneuvering through that toxic arena, and that is only during an emergency. Yes, there have been times I have opened the door and turned my bladder right back around due to the conditions; I would rather wet myself than take another step.

We can come across as being a snob, rude or socially dysfunctional. And yes, many of us are. But many truly suffer and it affects not only their lives, but those around them as well. My heart goes out to them, honestly.

On a scale from 1-10 regarding my level of “germaphobia”, I am going to give myself about a 6. Unless you actually know me, you would barely notice. If you were to describe me, you would say “clean freak”, which I am totally fine with… (believe me, I have been called much worse). Understand, I have not always been this way, the older I get, the worse it gets. I can only pray that I do not feel the need to encase myself in a sterile, plastic bubble to leave the house when I hit 70.

In my 20’s and 30’s, I could have cared less what the letter in the window of an establishment was, if the restaurant was a favorite – I was happy to dine. Now, if there is not an “A” proudly displayed for the world to see, it is not an option.

Howie Mandel is a well known actor, comedian and television host who went  public with his struggle regarding his OCD in his autobiography entitled, "Here's the Deal: Don't Touch Me".  He confesses the unusual set of rituals and the petrifying role that OCD consumes in his life.

Howie Mandel is a well known actor, comedian and television host who went public with his struggle regarding his OCD in his autobiography entitled, “Here’s the Deal: Don’t Touch Me”. He confesses the unusual set of rituals and the petrifying role that OCD consumes in his life.

That is just one example of how people may view you as a “snob”, whereas in reality we just want the confirmation from the health department that the kitchen is not crawling with vermin and our chicken is not riddled with salmonella.

Socially, I have no problem shaking peoples hands or sharing my food with others. Severe germaphobes are not as lucky. If someone declines to shake your hand, but does so in a polite manner with a smile on their face, 99% of the time it is not you, it is them. They do not intend to come across as rude, and I would put my money on the fact that they don’t want to be there in the first place. They are there under pressure or feel an obligation to the host or possible family member at the function. Those who suffer on that level avoid human interaction as much as possible.

Moving on to the whole food scenario, if you would like something off my plate, all you have to do is ask and I will provide you with an ample portion for your enjoyment. However, do not even think of leaning across the table, fork in hand and helping yourself. I will physically stop you mid-reach and ask you if you would like a bite. Understand, your fork will not gain access to my plate, and in the rare occasion that it does you can consider my meal – yours (*same thing applies for any beverage I may be drinking). Again, not being rude, I just have no clue where your mouth has been and every germ swimming around in there is on your contaminated flatware. YOUR FLATWARE FOR YOUR PLATE!

I consider myself blessed to have the luxury of enjoying restaurants and meeting my friends for our weekly happy hour. Those who suffer severely could not imagine being in those environments. Simply entering a space that is unfamiliar to them can set off severe anxiety attacks. Many also suffer from agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) which is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and often avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed. Without necessary treatment the individual can become a total recluse.

Like I said in the beginning, the struggle is real. If you can’t understand it, atleast be kind to those who suffer from it and the many other disorders people face on a daily basis.
OCD and mysophobia go hand in hand, imagine a life consisting of obsessive cleaning, paranoia and a fear of everyone and everything. Family’s crumble and relationships fade, many end up suffering alone. So, if it’s you or someone close to you battling these disorders, know there is help out there and you / they can get better. It may require some talking and a prescription or two, but you can have a life that is worth living.
