I was a smoker of about 15 years, and while I don’t currently smoke, I know a lot of people who still do. One of the biggest trends lately is Vaping. Vaping has hit the market by storm claiming to… Continue Reading →
Melanoma is a form of cancer, normally related to your skin. When the cells of your skin that cause color form moles, or nevi, this can also cause skin cancer. In fact, Melanoma is one of the most serious skin… Continue Reading →
Have you ever felt like your house is cluttered and you need more room just to be able to breathe? It is never too late to simplify! Spring may be the perfect time to do cleaning – not just of… Continue Reading →
I absolutely love meditating! I have been meditating for half my life now and every single time I sit down to enjoy the moment of now, it always surprises me. With so many people preoccupied with their careers, family, daily… Continue Reading →
I am going to admit it, I am a snacker…I love high sodium and sugary snacks much more than a protein bar or a celery stick, and I often find myself reaching for a bag of Cheetos instead of a… Continue Reading →
For years, people have woken up to the fresh brewed aroma of their favorite caffeine fix. With more and more people consuming coffee and tea each year to maintain energy and performance, I wanted to take some time to layout… Continue Reading →
Growing up in a small European town I was used to having a garden, growing our own vegetables, picking apples and cherries from the trees, currant or gooseberries straight from the bushes and I was also used to eating fresh… Continue Reading →
With so many ways to start off your juicing career, whether you are hand squeezing your oranges for a little wrist strength or dumping half your refrigerator into a bullet for mass production, one thing we can’t deny is that… Continue Reading →
We all want a healthy, happy family and we do our best to provide our loved ones with the proper exercise and nutritional balance whenever possible. That being said, for those of us who consider our pet’s “family”, don’t you… Continue Reading →
Strokes are reported as the 4th leading cause of death in the United States resulting in someone dying due to this sudden life taker every four minutes. Strokes are not limited to the older generation, young people are being struck… Continue Reading →
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