Category Wellness & Lifestyle

Sugar Supplements
by Tommy Smith

It is said that the average American consumes around 150 -170 pounds of sugar each year. Can you believe that? The average person will consume enough sugar to equal one’s entire body weight over the course of a year! With… Continue Reading →

Becoming a Vegan
by Leslie Jones

Mainstream has delighted at the idea of being a conscious consumer and while every individual chooses their diet and lifestyle based upon their own personal reasons and ethics, more and more people are opting in for a Vegan diet. Being… Continue Reading →

Benefits of Coconut Oil
by Kelly Ann

If you ever find yourself stranded on a beautiful island with no water, no food and no rescue in sight, at least you can have your fill of one of the world’s greatest “super foods” – coconuts! Not only can… Continue Reading →

Zika Virus
by Tommy Smith

Over the last few weeks there has been a serious focus on the effects, risks and impact of the Zika virus. With so many newscasts covering the virus, I wanted to know more about this new threat and provide a… Continue Reading →

Great Glutes
by Tommy Smith

Whether you are a snow bunny or just looking to get ahead of the summer curve, having a well defined, toned and shapely backside is always a must. Finding the right kind of exercises to flex those muscles can often… Continue Reading →

Maine Attractions
by Tommy Smith

My first time in Maine was definitely one to remember. It was the first time that I saw an entire mountain covered in blueberries. It was the first time I tried lobster. It was the first time I enjoyed a… Continue Reading →

Social Media Buzz
by Tommy Smith

Whether or not you are a fan of social media, there is no denying that the world has become more connected in ways beyond our initial dreams once this new network took off. While I agree that there is a… Continue Reading →

Dealing with Depression
by Tommy Smith

It is estimated that some 121 million people suffer from depression around with world. With such a staggering and alarming number of people struggling with this disease on a daily basis, I thought it was important to shed a little… Continue Reading →

Online Dating ~ The Real Experience by Tommy Smith

I can say from personal experience, that the online dating scene is quite interesting and often times disappointing. One thing you will find when perusing your favorite profiles, is a plethora of entertainment. With so many people opting in for… Continue Reading →

The Ultimate Chicken Soup Recipe
by Kelly Ann Stafford

When it comes to food cravings, I can pretty much sum up my favorites on one hand. Living in Los Angeles I had the luxury of having two of mine within a stones throw distance from my front door. Now,… Continue Reading →

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