Living in Colorado for a number of years, I always heard about the Utah National Parks, and while I was so close to the area, I had to check them out for myself. One of the greatest things our country… Continue Reading →
Sodium has been a controversial subject for a long time, and specifically women have had a love/hate relationship with the impact that salt has had on their bodies. So what is the breakdown of how sodium impacts your body and… Continue Reading →
The home entertainment industry of premier television is on the brink of a major shift due to recent changes and improvements in technology. Prior to the “smart TV” customers were limited in their choices when it came to deciding which… Continue Reading →
This past Saturday I had the pleasure of attending a beautiful baby shower. In the midst of all the laughter and celebration I found myself standing in the kitchen grazing over the wide variety of petits fours and tea sandwiches… Continue Reading →
From an early age I discovered that my eyesight wasn’t 100%, and as the saying goes, “hindsight is 20/20”. Knowing now what I should have known then could have helped me out in my youth to protect my eyesight and… Continue Reading →
BPA, otherwise known as Bisphenol-A, is an industrial chemical introduced to the consumer market back in the 1960’s used in creating certain plastic containers and resins. BPA can be found in a variety of polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins often… Continue Reading →
No, I’m not talking about the “hipster ginger” trend. Ginger spice is hot right now and is making waves in all the major restaurants. With some of the top chef’s in the country seeking out this strong flavor offering spice… Continue Reading →
Have you ever found yourself mid-meal, making one of your signature dishes, only to peek into the refrigerator and find that you forgot your important secret spice? Hesitating as you reach for your back up, the “bottled stuff”, you bite… Continue Reading →
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