As people age, more times than not we forget to take care of this temple that is our body and find ourselves fighting back more wrinkles, dark spots, dry skin, and even skin disease. Early on, in our youth, we were all too happy to lather on loads of sunscreen, daily lotions, face revitalizers and other miracle workers to keep our youth alive. Now we are lucky to spend an extra five minutes exfoliating our feet after a nice long bath. If you are ready to feel good about your skin again and want a few easy steps to follow to help protect and revive your youthful glow, then these next five suggestions just may help.
Use Sunscreen! Over the years sunscreen has waxed and waned in the health care arena, but from personal experience, a dried out, burnt and peeling shoulder is never as sexy as a nice smooth and supple one. If you are looking to keep your color, then simply adjust your UV strength to accommodate your tanning goals, but never, never go without.
Put Down Those Cigarettes! Smoking not only causes serious health risks, but did you know it contributes to excessive wrinkles in the face? Combined with the impact on your oxygen, smoking is known to narrow blood vessels causing less oxygen and nutrients to flow to vital areas of your skin. So next time you think about lighting up, take a look in the mirror and tell yourself “you choose beauty”.
Be Kind To Yourself! If you are like me, when I’m in a hurry and showering my scrubby might as well be a wire brush. I fly through my body parts with such vigor and speed that I’m sure to leave battle wounds. Most people don’t take the proper time to take care of their skin and you can help mend your outer being by limiting your bath time, avoiding strong overpowered soaps and beauty products, pat dry yourself when you get out of the bath, and always lotion up.
Eat Right Look Right! A healthy diet is arguably the top choice in this list, but I didn’t list it first because I think we all struggle with our “eat healthy” goals. But truth be told, eating the right foods and living a healthy diet will not only extend your natural life, but allow you to both look and feel great as you age. If you are not eating a well balanced diet, then I urge you to start off small and work towards improving your overall eating habits.
Avoid the Stress Brow! Have you noticed that people who are constantly stressed look extremely tired and overexerted? I remember seeing a top end executive of a small company speaking at an event, and even though I was sitting mid theater, I could still see his deep and defined worry lines in his forehead. I remember thinking “yikes, I hope to never have to deal with that kind of burden”.
Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to be a three hour ritual every morning or
night. Simple changes in your day to day lifestyle can make a huge difference on the youthful look and feel of your skin.
Take time to find the right balance of personal attention and treatment your body needs and you can see excellent results in no time. By no means are these suggestions the be all to skin beauty, so do a little research and find your winning combination and take back your beauty one day at a time.

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