It is reported that an average American drinks an average of 45 gallons of sugary soda each year. To put that into perspective, that is equivalent to a 45-gallon fish aquarium! The Associated Press announced its findings in midst of New York trying to ban large containers of soda being sold. The ban was ultimately revoked, but when one of the biggest cities in the world is trying to ban mass production of a product, one can only take notice.

So how much sugar is in an actual soda? Well the standard 12 oz can is the base measurement for most reports, and while it does vary from brand to brand, here are a few statistics of your favorite beverage. Keep in mind that the following reports are based on a 12 oz can, and in today’s society people rarely drink this size of drinks and most of us pick up a cool 16 oz bottle or bigger.

  • Ginger Ale – 31.8 Grams of Sugar
  • Root Beer – 39.2 Grams of Sugar
  • Colas – 38.9 Grams of Sugar
  • Cream Soda – 49.3 Grams of Sugar

With so much sugar being consumed on a daily basis, what is the overall health risk of this peppy treat? Sugar is well known for its short term energy boost, but what most people don’t realize is the drastic crash that comes with this perk. One reason we don’t notice our spikes in energy is because of the sheer amount of soda we drink in a day, which never really has enough time to be processed through our body before we are pumping our selves back up again with another drink.

In addition to the potential energy crash, consuming too much sugar results in weight gain. Our country is suffering from some of the highest obesity numbers in history, and with the on-going consumption of sugar by ways of soda, it is no wonder our children, and adults for that matter, are struggling with their weight. While weight gain may not be enough of a factor to reduce your soda intake, it is also know to reduce the amount of vitamins and minerals your bodies gets based on your diet. By drinking sugar loaded beverages, your bodies natural ability to tell you when it is hungry or in need of vital supplements is skewed, causing you to have a false sense of energy.

If you are addicted to soda, then you are not alone, and there are a number of ways that you can take back control of your life and reduce the amount of sugar intake to improve your health and diet.

  • Opt in for Smaller Proportions
  • Sugar Free Alternatives
  • Choose Sparkling Water
  • Drink Juice
  • Low Fat Chocolate Milk

Growing up in Texas, I have lived off of Dr. Pepper. When I moved around after leaving the state, I often found that many places didn’t have this wonderful nectar of the gods and while I slowly weened myself off of the addiction, I can completely relate to someone having a hardcore urge for their signature drink. If you are an avid soda drinker, and want to learn more about your consumption, sugar intake, risks and potential ways to kick the habit, then seek out a support group, speak to your doctor, or simply begin a reduction program in the convenience of your own home. Not only will you see fast results on your waistline, but in the long run you will notice a more sustainable level of energy and performance.
