Tag anxiety

Addison’s Disease Uncovered
by Tommy Smith

With only one in 100,000 people being diagnosed with Addison’s disease, many find this rare condition both overwhelming and hard to understand. Unlike other diseases that have multiple research options, various support groups, and a plethora of experts to choose… Continue Reading →

The Anguish of Anxiety
by Tommy Smith

It was a cold winter morning, and as I slipped out of bed and began to stand up I noticed a sudden sense of fear. Quickly my hands began to shake, my head flushed with a level of heat that… Continue Reading →

A Healthy Puff
by Tommy Smith

With the increasing approval of health benefits for medicinal marijuana, I thought it was time to set out some of the facts regarding this controversial plant. Did you know that marijuana use to be a supported and often times prescribed… Continue Reading →

Confessions of a Closet Germaphobe
by Kelly Ann Stafford

*Germaphobia, known in medical circles as mysophobia (my·so·pho·bia) is an abnormal fear of dirt and germs and is associated with OCD Does the mere mention of a “Potluck Dinner” give you anxiety? Well, for the true germaphobes out there, we… Continue Reading →

Men. O. Pause.
by Tommy Smith

Okay, so obviously I am not a woman, and I can’t directly relate to the on-going suffering, mood swings, hot flashes, and constant demand of Godiva chocolate, but what I can relate to is how menopause has affected my life…. Continue Reading →

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