Tag honey

Autumn Lemon Cookies
by Dagmar Voracek

 Ingredients:  1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice Zest from 1 (organic) lemon ½ cup sugar & powdered sugar for dusting 8 tbl spoons of butter 2 eggs 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1 tbl spoon of honey 1 cup… Continue Reading →

Island Dinner
by Dagmar Voracek

In keeping with today’s pineapple theme, here is a delicious recipe from Dagmar sure to excite your taste buds and beautify your table! Ingredients: 2 Ripe Pineapples 16 oz Pork Tenderloin Cut in Cubes 6-8 Shallots ½ of Red Bell… Continue Reading →

Sugar Supplements
by Tommy Smith

It is said that the average American consumes around 150 -170 pounds of sugar each year. Can you believe that? The average person will consume enough sugar to equal one’s entire body weight over the course of a year! With… Continue Reading →

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