It’s the thick of the summer season. What that means for sports fans is that baseball is in full swing. Whether you are a die-hard fan, just enjoy going to the park with your spouse, or have a chance to… Continue Reading →
Age spots (most common in people over the age of 40) are flat tan, brown or black spots that vary in size and location on your body. While many age spots may look cancerous, a true sun spot is mostly… Continue Reading →
Melanoma is a form of cancer, normally related to your skin. When the cells of your skin that cause color form moles, or nevi, this can also cause skin cancer. In fact, Melanoma is one of the most serious skin… Continue Reading →
As people age, more times than not we forget to take care of this temple that is our body and find ourselves fighting back more wrinkles, dark spots, dry skin, and even skin disease. Early on, in our youth, we… Continue Reading →
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