For those in search of spectacular Spanish architecture, rich culture, culinary delights and creative people, then Santa Fe is a perfect travel destination for you. As the capital of New Mexico, you won’t have to worry about politics interfering with the artsy, culturally diverse and beautiful décor surrounding the area.

Native American Warrior
Santa Fe was founded back in 1610 a.d. by Spanish colonists, however it was the indigenous people who built countless pueblo’s in the area and occupied this region as early as 1050 a.d.. So if you are looking for a great way to get a look into the past of Native American culture, the impact of Spanish exploration and the beauty of one of America’s best-known destinations, then check out our top to do list for this great vacation spot.
LaFonda Hotel

Luxurious La Fonda Hotel guest room
Everyone needs a place to stay when they are traveling and this first choice is by far one of the most popular hotels that Santa Fe has to offer. Built in 1922, the modern area that guest enjoy today was not the original essence of this great hotel, and the first known case of hospitality can be traced back over 400 years to Captain William Becknell. One of my favorite aspects of this hotel is their showcases of local and historical art. They boast some of the best and most interesting pieces in the area making your stay feel more like a museum visit than a place to lay your head. With so many accommodations, one can find a single nights stay, plan an event, host a party or enjoy a bite to eat at one of the 3 restaurants that this hotel has to offer. And yes, it is also a pet friendly hotel.
The Loretto Chapel
Known for it’s spiral staircase surrounded in mystery, this local church has been a tourist mecca for years. Built in 1878, this chapel was home to a group of sisters that formed the Academy of Our Lady of Light (Loretto). Due to the historical significance and beautiful architecture, this chapel is now maintained as a museum rather than an actual chapel, but one can still enjoy the magnificent design, attention to detail and of course the miraculous staircase. The staircase is a beautifully impressive piece of art that is said to be built by St. Joseph the Carpenter. This feat of wonder has two 360 degree turns spiraling upward towards the heaven with no visible support system. In addition, the story goes that the staircase was built using only wooden components, and no nails were used during its construction. Today’s engineers and architectural geniuses are still perplexed by its design and complexity.
The Native American Market – SWAIA

Hand Made Pottery
While your trip wouldn’t be complete without visiting the Native American market, the SWAIA, or Southwestern Association for Indians, offers beautifully hand crafted jewelry, pottery, dancing, and so much more. With tons of events hosted each year, you are bound to find something going on during your visit, so don’t overlook your history lesson when you visit the great city of Santa Fe and show your support by stopping by this eclectic and creative market.
Santa Fe is a wonderful place to visit and with thousands of people flocking to this adobe central it is no wonder why so many people call this a top choice destination. There are so many different ways you can explore, enjoy, and take in the local culture and diversity that even a week long trip may not do it justice. So the next time you are ready to explore, give Santa Fe a spot on your list, you won’t be disappointed.

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