The beauty of a freshly popped cork and the fresh aroma of a fine wine. If you are a lover of wine and enjoy the vast selections of this popular libation, then this article will give you even more reason to raise your glass and toast to the good life. It is said that wine has beneficial health factors and people who drink wine in moderation are enjoying less stress, better sleeping patterns and over all well being. So what is all this hype on the benefits of wine? Well, we are going to cover the biggest benefits that your favorite night cap has to offer.
Live Long and Prosper
If you enjoy a glass of wine from time to time, then chances are you are increasing the longevity of your life with this tasty treat. It is reported that on average, a wine drinker has an increased mortality rate of 34% over those who opt in for beer or spirits. A Finnish study published their findings in an article posted in the Journals of Gerontology, stating their findings for a 29 year period evaluation when studying the effects of wine.
Reduce Your Heart Risk
Another popular benefit supported by a study done at Harvard, is that moderate drinkers of wine could reduce their risk of a heart attack by reducing their blood pressure with a glass of wine a day. This study was published in 2007 in the Annals of Internal Medicine, outlining the benefits of wine over a 16 year health study conducted by Harvard School of Public Health.
Tackle Type 2 Diabetes
If you are suffering from diabetes, then chances are drinking a glass of wine rich in procyanidins, often found in Sardinia and Southwest French wines, can help to reduce your risk of heart disease. This study was performed by Queen Mary University in London and was published to the public in 2006. With more and more Americans suffering from diabetes each year, this study proves to have a major impact on the overall health and well being of our society.
Reduce Your Risk of Stroke
Another studied aspect about the positive effects of wine is the ability to reduce your risk of stroke. In 2006, Columbia University studied a group of individuals, over an 8 year period, to evaluate the impact of consuming alcohol and it’s relation to stroke. It was reported that the people who participated in this study showed a 50% reduction in risk as opposed to those suffering from blood clot related stroke risks.
Taking on Colon Cancer
Red wine in particular has been known to cut the risk of colon cancer by a whopping 45%! So if you are struggling with bowel disease, or simply want to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer, having a glass of red wine from time to time won’t hurt, in fact it will reduce your risk by nearly 50%. Stony Brook University published their findings on this wine benefit back in 2005 citing a four year study of 2,291 participants.
Whether you are a fine wine connoisseur, or simply like to enjoy a great glass of wine from time to time, it is no secret that modern medicine has shown the benefits of enjoying moderate consumption. While excessive amounts of alcohol has been known to destroy your body, family and life, a well balanced and consistent consumption can improve your health as well as prevent certain diseases. So next time you are enjoying a nice fat steak, why not opt in for the preferred drink of choice and pour another big glass of red wine.

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