Exercising has become a way of life in today’s modern society and while most people find a gym as the best motivational atmosphere, others take to the trails, country roads and their very own neighborhoods to keep in shape and enjoy some healthy past time. This article is designed to give you ideas around how you can make biking fun again, while enjoying the youthful adrenaline of your childhood.
To have an effective workout an average person weighing around 155lbs only has to spend one hour of outdoor mountain biking to burn 598 calories! If you are a little less adventurous and want to stick to the local roads and neighborhoods, then by riding at a moderate rate you can burn up to 563 calories in just one hour. So with the benefits of committing to one hour a day, you can see great results in your day-to-day exercise program by taking to the roads and enjoying your favorite scenic route.
So how can you make the old fashioned tradition of biking fun for your routine? Well here are several ways to keep it light and enjoy a wonderful workout.
Group Activities
Many people enjoy the comradery of group biking to help them stay motivated, committed, and give them a sense of teamwork. If you are looking for a group of people to hang out with on the weekends and get a wonderful workout, then I recommend searching your local area for group biking meet ups, or simply ask your friends and family if they would like to ride along.
Tandem Biking
For those looking to make a more direct connection with their biking partner, a tandem bike can be the perfect solution. With a tandem bike, both individuals must equally share the workout load, maintain encouragement and support each other during the biking experience. Combined with the close proximity of the tandem experience, most individuals find a more intimate experience when riding with their partners.
Make it a Charity Event
Taking up a cause can be a great way to stay committed and motivated when taking on a new riding program. With so many wonderful charity events such as cancer research, multiple sclerosis and local charities, finding a great team to ride for can also help you find more individuals who share your passion of riding and build a stronger community to ride with.
Save Money
While this next topic may not seem as fun as the other ideas, for me I love the idea of getting a great workout, while enjoying friends, absolutely free. With so many trails, events, charities and other options to ride my bike, knowing that I am helping my body stay fit, while saving my wallet is a very fun time! Combined with the relative low cost of maintenance and repairs, saving money while biking is quite easy. Most local bike shops will offer free services for regular customers often times fixing your flat, turning your bike, oil chains and more.
Whether you are just starting out, or you have years of experience riding, making a commitment to continuous workouts are key to your overall health and well-being. If you are a social butterfly and enjoy activities that include others, then finding the right bike team can be the difference between a dreaded workout, and a great time of fun and entertainment. So next time you look in the mirror and grunt at your low hanging arms, sagging waistline, or flabby thighs, turn to your bike for salvation. You will find that with consistent riding, you will become addicted to the benefits and happiness that riding a bike can provide.

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