Water is essential to our existence for an array of reasons ranging from its ability to remove toxins and regulating our bodies cooling systems, to aiding in proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions.
Our bodies are made up of approximately 60% water and without replenishing daily it can harm every aspect of our being. Lack of water can cause organ failure, fatigue and chronic dehydration that leave your body in a weakened state and vulnerable to disease.
We have always heard, “It is recommended we consume a minimum of 8 – 8 ounce glasses of water a day”. However, studies show we should actually consume half our body weight in ounces to truly get what is needed to help our systems function on a healthy level. For example, if you weigh 150 lbs you should drink 75 ounces of water daily. For those of you who are avid water drinkers, keep it up! To those who may be lacking in your daily intake, it’s cool, you have to start somewhere…
Begin with committing to a glass of water when you wake up. It gets your organs moving and helps to flush your system. If your urine is dark in color or has an odor, your body is telling you it needs to be hydrated. Next, eat more fruits and veggies, they are high in water content and about 25% of our fluid intake comes from foods we consume. Be sure to always have a beverage with your meal, it aids in digestion and the absorption of nutrients. You can add lemon, cucumber, oranges, etc… to help with the taste and they work as great detoxifying agents.
Remember, your skin is your largest organ, once you begin to reap the benefits of staying hydrated you will be amazed at the difference in your appearance as well ~ Cheers!

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