Friends and co-workers keep asking me how I manage to wear something “new” every day. I giggle and respond that it’s not all new; I just wear it in a new way! You don’t need a closet of Sarah Jessica Parker to look stylish. (Not that we wouldn’t like to have her wardrobe!!!) Less is more in many cases and simple pieces and a few vibrant accessories can do the trick.
When I worked in retail, I was instantly popular among many Dallas ladies shoppers. I didn’t understand at first, so I asked them why: “Well, my dear, you look so chic!” or “I looked at you and thought ‘This girl knows fashion!’” The store’s manager was stressing the importance of us, the associates, to be wearing what we were selling. “Free advertisement! You are live mannequins!” (Easier said than done with my salary!) After long hours of folding t-shirts into perfect piles and buttoning and straightening variety of shirts, I had our latest collection engraved in my memory to the last detail. I went shopping, visiting some of the cheapest stores in town. I picked up a few necklaces from the clearance rack that I noticed while shopping for groceries at my local supermarket. Excited about my nifty finds, I opened our store with confidence the next morning. As it was getting closer to the Holidays, we were incredibly busy. One of our frequent (and valued) customers asked me about my shirt and insisted I find it for her on the rack. I panicked, not knowing what to say. The store manager saved me by answering for me, informing the lady that it is from last year’s collection. (Wink-wink). I finally exhaled and offered the customer a similar cut shirt from the latest catalog. Another tough situation came up when an elderly lady wanted “my” necklace. I tried the “last season collection” trick again but no luck. This customer was adamant about finding the very same piece of jewelry and finding it now! After 10 minutes of trying to offer her numerous pieces from our store, my manager finally lost her patience and asked me to reveal where my piece was from. “Wal-Mart,” I uttered, shocking the customer, of course.
My point is that you don’t have to be rich to look good. We all want to look stylish without breaking the bank. If you learn a few tricks, you can look attractive while dressing simply.
- Invest in well-fitting jeans that compliment your figure.
- Buy a few solid color t-shirts and tank tops (white, beige, black) made out of 100% cotton. They will become your base. You can add a light jacket or scarf for a quick change of the outfit but don’t be scared to completely simplify.
- Find your favorite color and/or the color that enhances your face and buy a few accessories (scarf, earrings, light jacket…).
- Less is more on makeup & hair spray – don’t try too hard! (I know it is tempting to copy the Instagram Model type of makeup with thick eyebrows, cat eyes and full lips… Contouring is great; however, I’ve been noticing that young ladies are all starting to look alike!)
- Be you! Find your favorite style in which you feel the best and the most comfortable. How you feel instantly projects into how you look.
- Stay clean and neat and learn to listen more and speak less. It will add a little mystery to your ambiance and make you look effortlessly chic!
photo credit / Duke Morse Photography

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