Oh, Spring is in the air! Trees are budding, flowers are blossoming, and I’m waking up just about every morning with a sinus headache. The joys of seasonal allergies. If you are like me, then you know all to well how much impact those beautiful budding trees can have on your health. That’s why we wanted to explore alternatives to beating allergies the natural way.
Did you know that North Texas is one of the highest ranking allergy capitals in the United States? According to experts, millions of people suffer from this seasonal pest and keeping track of your local pollen counts is the first step in combating the itchy eyes.
Here are the top 10 ways to Beat Allergies:
Neti Pot and Saline Solution: Ah, the old fashioned rinse and repeat method. While somewhat archaic, this is still by far one of the best natural treatments out there. In essence, you combat allergies by just rinsing them out of your body.
Quercetin: a natural bioflavonoid, is known to help stabilize mast cells within your body, preventing excessive release of histamine. It also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory for those pesky sinus pressure headaches. Prevention is key when opting in for quercetin, and most people find it beneficial to begin their supplement 4-6 weeks before allergy season.
Probiotics: Allergies are the result of your body reacting to stimuli. Therefore it only makes sense that if you follow a regular probiotic regiment, your body can build up the immune system it needs to help minimize said reactions.
Green Tea: Known for its natural anti-oxidant components, green tea also offers a natural anti-histamine property, reducing the swelling and response to those pesky pollen particles.
Nettle Leaf: Another lesser known herb, nettle leaf also provides a powerful punch of anti-histamine properties, making it a perfect supplement to help battle allergies. Nettle leaf grows just about everywhere and can be consumed as a tea, or a capsule depending on your preference.
Acupuncture: The ancient practice of acupuncture has been healing people for thousands of years, and you guessed it, it also helps with seasonal allergies! “It’s common to see improvement even after the first treatment,” says Thomas Burgoon, MD, president of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture.
Cooking with Turmeric: If needles aren’t your thing, how about adding a little spice to your dish while combating flare ups? Turmeric has been linked to preventing colds, clearing up sinus pressure, and alleviating congestion. “It seems to be as effective as some drugs for certain conditions,” said Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D., professor of experimental therapeutics at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
Simple Hygiene: What may seem like a no-brainer but just as relevant and easy as our other suggestions, is to remove your clothes after returning home. Whether you were out and about shopping, or taking a job at the local park, your clothes collect pollen, increasing your exposure. By changing your clothes frequently during allergy season, you can significantly reduce the extra exposure you face after being outside.
Use HEPA Filters: Similar to hygiene, investing in a certified HEPA filter can also do wonders for your allergy symptoms. Pollen is tiny, and it can get in anywhere. So, if you run an air conditioner or heater during allergy season, having a special filter designed to capture pollen is key to a healthy season.
Eat Local Honey: Last but not least, eat local honey! We’re not just recommending this to put a sweet twist on the topic, but it is believed that due to bee’s natural cross-pollination, one can build up a quicker tolerance to local pollen in the area.

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