As a teenager, I was very vulnerable. Even later in my adolescent and early adult years, I found my style but wasn’t always assertive enough to do, wear or say exactly what I wanted. I believe that as we age, we get more confident, we know ourselves better and so we care less about what others may think or if they will judge us or not.
We are daily exposed to the pressure of media. Advertising is full of the so-called ideal images, the “prescription” of what our bodies should look like, what our life-style should be, from the car we drive to the dog drooling next to our family dining table. Several prime time commercials and one’s head may start spinning!
I believe that there is beauty in every person, regardless of their weight, heritage or their income. When I was about sixteen, I was introduced to a group of friends. They lived in Prague, followed the latest fashion and were just overall very trendy. One of the young men put on his sunglasses. They were these huge, ridiculous, funny shades! I wanted to burst out laughing, thinking it was a joke! I nearly choked trying to stop myself from doing so, as everyone around was serious, admiring this guy’s fashion statement. Something that was then beyond my comprehension became very clear to me later – it was all in his attitude!
What you think in your head, projects onto those around you. If you are insecure and uncomfortable, you will not give out the best impression. You may be wearing Gucci but if you don’t carry yourself accordingly, no designer clothes will help. I grew up having to improvise a lot with my wardrobe. I’d have several bold pieces but most importantly, I had the basics in solid colors, which I could mix and match, increasing the number of my outfits instantly. Having accessories such as scarfs, glasses and purses also helps. The key is to feel good!
These days I enjoy myself. I wear what I want and I dress up whenever I feel the need to. Who says that you can’t go buy groceries in your animal print trench coat and your highest heels! Be bold, have fun and remember – it’s all in the attitude!
photo credit / Duke Morse Photography

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