Whether you’re planning a small family brunch or a breakfast buffet, Dagmar’s Quiche Lorraine is guaranteed to be a welcomed and delicious addition to your meal.
1 ¾ cups of flour
8 tbl spoons of butter
1 tsp of salt
1 tbl spoon of water
1 egg
3 eggs
½ cup of grinded cheese of your choice
2 cups of fresh spinach – chopped
½ cup of heavy cream
½ cup of milk
1 cup of chopped bacon or sausage (optional)
Salt, pepper, nutmeg (optional)
Note that when making dough, all ingredients should be about the same temperature. So grind the butter if it’s cold, add cold water, egg and salt and flour. (If you use melted butter, use warm water). Using your hands, knead the dough until smooth and firm. Wrap in a plastic wrap and let chill in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Prep the spinach, cook bacon or sausage and let cool. Roll the dough and place in a pie baking dish. (The dough should be about ½ inch thick). Using a fork, prick the bottom and sides. Cover with parchment paper or aluminum foil, fill with dried beans to prevent the dough from forming bubbles. Bake for about 20 minutes.
In a bowl, combine the eggs, cream, milk, and cheese and add the spinach, bacon/sausage and spices. I used my herbal salt (combination of sea salt, dried parsley, thyme, basil, and sage). Lower the oven temperature to 325°F. Pour the mixture into crust and bake for additional 30 minutes.
Use tomatoes and fresh chives for garnish.
photo credit / Duke Morse Photography

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