Have you ever felt like your house is cluttered and you need more room just to be able to breathe? It is never too late to simplify! Spring may be the perfect time to do cleaning – not just of your house. Think of this spring de-cluttering as a little reorganization of your daily routines, the way you run your household or even the way you stock your pantry.
I find it refreshing to go through the things I no longer use, no longer like and items that haven’t seen the daylight in quite some time.I like to donate clothes to local charities or pass them on to my friends. I tend to hold on to gifts from my closest family and friends and I have a very hard time to part with them. It is healthy and almost necessary though to do this clean-up from time to time.
Do the same with your refrigerator and pantry! We just recently visited a friend, who after about 25 years without having to visit the doctor’s office got suddenly sick and diagnosed with a type two diabetes. His caregiver went through all his kitchen cabinets and threw away old cereal boxes, candy, and even bread. Instead, she visited a local Central Market and returned with two bags of fresh fruit and vegetables and healthy snacks.
Don’t eat something that is in your pantry just because it’s there or because it will expire soon. As a matter of fact, focus on fresh produce and fresh groceries more and save the cabinet space for dried fruit, nuts, rice, beans and other nutritious foods. Get rid of all junk food, candy or some of the canned products, which are typically high in sodium. You may have to visit the grocery store or market more often but your body will thank you for the fresh and real food you will start eating.
The kitchen will be a happier and more inviting place to be when you display all the beautiful oranges and tomatoes from the market, or when you buy a bouquet of fresh flowers once in a while. I have pots with fresh herbs right in my kitchen and my kitchen counters are decorated with bowls and platters filled with colorful fruits and vegetables. Surround yourself with colors, freshness and variety of shapes. It is good for your body and good for your mind!
We may take good care of our possessions, clean our car, organize a closet but let’s not forget about the only place we really have to live in – our own bodies. Amazingly, with the good food, good hydration and just overall healthy diet comes the reward of clearer skin, shinier hair, stronger nails. That all has an effect on our mental health and you will see that this spring cleaning may not be just a weekend chore but it could in reality be a life-changing experience!

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