Many times you probably have read articles and books about what you should be eating. Diet plans come and go, with all kinds of methods to improve your health, prevent diseases, and even lose weight. It’s hard to know which foods to choose sometimes, with so many different messages coming at you.
The term “superfoods” might come to mind, because it gets tossed around quite often. What exactly are superfoods though? How can you best add them to an already healthy diet? Here are some of the newer superfoods that can make a big impact on your wellness plan, and tips on using them in real ways.
The Definition of A Superfood
A true superfood is loaded with vitamins and minerals far superior to most regular foods. Their nutrient content can vary with each food, but the overall message with a superfood is that it’s just sensational for you to consume. So get ready to add a few of these stellar examples to make superfoods part of your nutrition rescue plan from average foods.
Acai Berries Are a Brilliant Choice

acai berry smoothie bowl
These raisin like berries when dried, taste tart and a bit sweet. You can easily find them at health food stores now, but make sure you get the freshest dried ones you can find. Originally from the rainforests of South America, they are just getting to be one of the best superfoods you can find in America. They are terrific sprinkled on bran cereal, greek yogurt, or even taken as a supplement.
Bok Choy Is Brain Food

Roasted baby bok choy with spicy sauce and sesame seeds
This is truly the vegetable that healthy dreams are made of! They have recently discovered over 70 antioxidant compounds in bok choy, on top of the fact that it is loaded with calcium. It also contains massive amounts of Vitamin A and lutein that help with eye health, and brain functioning. This is something you can easily chop into salad, or saute into a vegetable stir-fry with lean proteins, like chicken, fish, or tofu.
Canned Pumpkin Is a Pure Source

Roasted pumpkin and carrot soup with cream and pumpkin seeds
You might not think of canned pumpkin as a superfood, since the only time you purchase it is at Thanksgiving to make pie. Yet, unsweetened canned pumpkin, not the pumpkin filling kind is loaded with alpha and beta carotene. These nutrients and minerals can help ward off certain types of cancers. One of the best ways to use canned pumpkin is to make a blended soup of of it that is savory and delicious.
Super Sardines Are The Little Fish That Could

“Yum” Thai style spicy sardine salad. A mixture of red chili, garlic, scallions, cilantro, red onion, and lime juice over sardines.
These adorable little fish are chock full of Vitamin D and Omega-3 Fatty Acids that are terrific for skin health.
If you want radiant, glowing skin add a few of these chopped up on top of a salad, or in a homemade tomato sauce with some whole wheat pasta for a filling side dish.
Flaxseed Full Of Flavor

Gluten free bread made with almond and coconut flour and flaxseed meal with cranberry sauce
Nutty and full of flavor, flaxseeds are loaded with benefits that make it a must have on your shopping list. You can sprinkle these onto some steel cut oats in the morning, in your smoothies, or even baked into hearty bread that is full of fiber. The fiber in flaxseeds help keep you satisfied between small meals and snacks. Flaxseeds have been known to reduce the risk of certain diseases such as stroke, and heart disease. They also contain lignans which are antioxidant components in plants that bolsters your immune system.

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