Tag essential oils

Lip Oils Do Wonders For Your Pout
by Kelly Reising

Lip Oils Do Wonders For Your Pout   Put down the Chapstick, and step away from the Vaseline. Not that there is anything wrong with either of those products, but it’s time to up your lip protection game. Ladies, you need to… Continue Reading →

Risks of Bug Repellants
by Tommy Smith

In the past, my first response was to swat that pesky bug flying around my head. Now a Buddhist, I try to avoid killing whenever possible, so I look for other ways to repel insects and bugs. With summer’s arrival,… Continue Reading →

Essential Oils…
by Kelly Ann Stafford

Unless you live under a rock, you have heard of essential oils. We all have that friend, relative or co-worker that can’t go a day without informing you on the AMAZING benefits these little drops have to offer. My personal… Continue Reading →

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