Tag vitamin D

The Skinny on Salmon
by Tommy Smith

Growing up in Texas, I was most definitely a meat and potatoes guy, however I remember clearly the first time in my life I ever tried salmon, an experience that would change my favorite food group immediately. It was a… Continue Reading →

Superfoods To The Rescue
by Kelly Reising

  Many times you probably have read articles and books about what you should be eating. Diet plans come and go, with all kinds of methods to improve your health, prevent diseases, and even lose weight. It’s hard to know which… Continue Reading →

The Importance of Proper Posture
by Tommy Smith

I remember growing up in grade school and at some point, there was a big school meeting where everyone stood in line while waiting for their turn with the back doctor. They measured you, weighed you, put some weird metal… Continue Reading →

Surfing for Fitness – It’s a Thing!
by April Mann

The idea of soaking up the sun, while relaxing on the beach sipping a Mai Tai sounds like the perfect day. However, while you’re there why not take advantage of one of the most intoxicating workouts you will ever encounter…. Continue Reading →

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