Now that the new year has begun and winter is in full beast mode, we took a little time to survey the land of beauty and find the best winter hair styles of 2016. We have scoured all the fashion magazines, browsed all the top designer websites, watched eagerly each run way show and kept notes on the latest awards ceremony to bring you the best of the best in 2016 winter hair styles. If you are looking for a fresh look and need to keep up with current fashion trends, then our top 5 list will have you turning heads and feeling great while you walk down the red carpet.
The Classic Pony Tail
The pony tail is definitely an oldy but goody and provides many variations to choose from. One of the great things about a pony tail is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money on products. Combine the low cost maintenance with easy prep time, and you have got a winner every time. Whether you are sporting the up pony tail, down tail, at the nape, or on the side, this easy and well budgeted style is great for almost any occasion.
The French Twist
Our second choice rivals the simple pony tail with the ease and comfort it provides while giving a hint of elegance and sophistication. The French Twist is perfect for a quick solution to dress up your outfit with relative ease and low maintenance. To give a more relaxed feel to your look, sport a slightly loosened twist to bring out a playful side of your style.
Go Deep With Partings
Another popular look is the deep part, offering a slightly casual look while maintaining the classic feel of elegance. You can spice up your style by trying out different part locations to give you a larger range of options to choose from. We saw plenty of parts gracing the fashion world and you can feel confident in your style by showing off a center part, side part, or deep side part for your next event or occasion.
Up and Down
A very common theme this winter was the partial up and down style bringing in a little more class while offering a slight hint of rebel. This style requires a bit more time to get right, but once you do, you are guaranteed to look fabulous! One piece of advice when working with the up and down style is to remember it is based on simplicity. So stick with simple braids and smaller twists to add a subtle accent to your look.
Remember that old crimper you have stowed away in the back of your bathroom cabinet? Well it’s 2016 baby and time to get back into style. We saw tons of soft crimps gracing the runway in our research and can feel confident in our last choice. Whether you are crimping out your pony tail, adding a little flare to the ends of your middle part, or looking to get a little more bold with daring styles, the crimp is back!
That rounds our our top 5 winter hair trends for 2016. There are so many different styles and popular looks around, so if you are a fashion guru and want to know the hottest looks for your next event or occasion, try out a few of our hairstyle suggestions. You never know who you will pass by and get a second glance from while sporting the trendiest styles of the season, and remember, the world is our runway, so get out there and start looking fabulous.

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