Kelly Ann Stafford was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. At the age of 17 she began modeling with the Dallas-based Kim Dawson Agency and the FORD agencies in New York and Miami. Once her career began to flourish she worked with numerous other reputable agencies across the U.S. and Europe. After years of globetrotting, at the age of 27, she decided to call Los Angeles home. Over time she dabbled in an array of ventures ranging from interior design to the pet industry, even developing a high-end line of pet accessories and toys available nationwide in luxury pet boutiques.
Years passed and one day she woke up and realized her life was flying by and time had taken its toll. Being confined to a desk with a diet of consisting of caffeine, nicotine and living life in the fast food lane, she realized it was time for change.
Kelly Ann began by educating herself. In 2013 she became certified in Healthy Aging and Food, Nutrition and Health. Her journey started with baby steps and now she has reached a place where she is happy and content. This did not happen overnight and will always be a work in progress, however, the time she has spent researching products and procedures has been time well spent. She believes that the smallest changes in one’s diet, relationships and daily activities can make the biggest difference. Understand, she is not a health fanatic; she still drinks caffeine, does not follow a specific diet and has been known to occasionally darken a drive thru. However, armed with the knowledge and strength she has gained, she does everything in moderation.
She feels life is too short not to enjoy what makes you smile and returning to her roots has made her complete. Beauty and fashion have been instilled in her from an early age and she has experienced it all. She believes if she can share her experiences, along with providing knowledge from experts and contributors, with those looking to make a change she can help others reach their goals as well.
Kelly Ann splits her time between her home in Dallas and Los Angeles. She supports numerous charitable organizations ranging from animal awareness to breast cancer. When she is not working she can usually be found traveling, spending time with her mother whom she considers to be her best friend, relaxing in the park with her dog, catching up on her favorite television shows or taking in the sunset at the beach.

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